Serious mental health crisis
A list of emergency departments around the country is located here.
A serious mental health crisis would include: Severe suicidality or an attempted suicide Psychosis/ psychotic episode (hallucinations that are distressing); Severe mania (excess energy, no sleeping for 24 hours plus, unusual or dangerous behaviour).
Phone numbers for a crisis
Crisis helpline
The national MIELI Mental Health Finland Crisis Helpline provides assistance in Finnish 24 hours a day (phone +358 9 2525 0111) and in English and Arabic on at certain times, as listed below (phone +358 9 2525 0113). Website is:
Mieli Crisis hotline: Crisis Helpline in English and Arabic: 09 2525 0113
Mondays and Tuesdays 11 am-3 pm,
Wednesdays 1 pm-4 pm and 5 pm-9 pm,
Thursdays 10 am-3 pm.
Fridays 9 am – 1 pm on 09 2525 0112.
The Crisis Helpline offers help also in Finnish (09 2525 0111), Swedish (09 2525 0112), Ukrainian (09 2525 0114) and Russian (09 2525 0115).
The Crisis Helpline allows you to discuss your thoughts, feelings and situation in life with a crisis worker or a trained volunteer confidentially. You can call anonymously.
Emergency counselling sessions
Other mental health situations
Further links: